Record-Breaking Suicide Rate in India, with a Global 12.4 per 100,000 - Parhlo India

Record-Breaking Suicide Rate in India, with a Global 12.4 per 100,000

 Record-Breaking Suicide Rate in India, with a Global 12.4 per 100,000

Recent suicide states shared by the National Crime Record Bureau (NRCB) have got India on its toes. Released in April, stats shared by the NRCB record an increase in suicide rates. Moreover, stats shared cite 1.71 suicides in 20222, alone. Furthermore, it amounts to 12.4% for 100,000, which sets a global high.

Meanwhile, details in the suicide reveal depression to be the major cause. On top of that experts break down depression into four categories work pressure, financial pressure, relationship problems, and health issues.

How Do These Problems Lead to Suicide?

Work Pressure

Saurabh Kumar Ladda jumped from his 9th-floor apartment in Wadal, dated 23 February. An MBA working for a multinational. Moreover, suicide was described as ‘pressure at his workplace’. Though an MBA Ladda faced immense pressure. Returning from a project in Wadda from Ahmedabad, he snapped and jumped to suicide.

India alone doesn’t face work pressure suicides but phenomena found in many countries. Meanwhile, young individuals work immensely hard to hold their jobs. Furthermore, AI seige has increased job security concerns.

Financial Pressure

Though India is a financially strong economy India is a large country. Moreover, job displacement is a major issue. Furthermore, with the change in global trends Indian individuals at a microscopic level face tremendous problems, notably farmers. Suicide levels in Indian farmers are relatively high due to financial pressure.

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Relationship Issues

2020 noted the highest rise in suicide in East Bengal. Every third suicide had a relationship issue. Moreover, relationship suicide amounts to a larger potion such as young relationships, parental issues, etc. Furthermore, social peer pressure and parental acceptance add up to the rising suicide rate.

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Health Problems

New research has shown a greater link between pollution and suicide. India is the biggest recipient of global warming and air pollution. Moreover, air pollution leads to diseases like asthma, and cancer. Furthermore, people suffering from such diseases go through intense depression, Therefore, resulting in suicide.

India alone does not face a suicide problem. Most developing countries still face the same problem. As of the stats shared, many countries have many more cases undiscovered.

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